Jun 16, 2014

How to create modern finger waves

Step by step tutorial on how to create modern finger waves
Step 1: Begin curling your hair with a 1 inch curling iron. Curl the curls going in the same direction. (Preferably towards the face). 
Step 2: Once the curls are all done, let the curls sit for 10 minutes to cool down. Letting the curls cool down will help the curls to last longer.

Step 3: Brush/comb through the hair softly to form the curls together. Combing the curls will help make the hair more workable when forming a wave in the hair. Take sections of the hair and backcomb though the hair to create soft volume. Always remember to keep the hair smooth while doing this style. If you back comb and their are hairs sticking up, softly run your comb over it to create a smooth look. 

Step 4: Begin to use your comb to help form the wave. Start at the top of the head were the curl pattern begins. Press the comb against the head holding the wave pattern into place. Begin to spray lightly with hairspray to hold the wave you just created. Continue down the hair until you hit the last wave pattern. 
Step 5: Refer back to step 4 as much as you need to during step 5. Once you have formed the waves together. Use a long metal clip to hold the wave pattern into place. After you have finished this step spray the hair to hold this style together. Continue on the next side of your head and repeat all 5 steps. 

Step 6: take clips out and you have a beautiful modern finger wave. If you want to define the wave more use your comb to press the wave where you want it. Than spray with hairspray to hold into place. You are finished! 


This is a fun look for a night out on the town! It creates a very elegant look without wearing your hair in an up style. 

If you want more of a messy look but still like to keep your curl pattern in the same direction, comb the hair out using your fingers to separate the curls. 

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